Maui Community College
Business Communication
English 55 Syllabus
David Van Hammen, Lecturer

Ofice: CO1B
Phone: 984-3442


During the course you will acquire the following skills:

Business Writing Strategies:

You will learn the various writing and proofreading techniques which will make you an effective writer in the business world.

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, Word Usage:

We will practice the rules of standard English, correct punctuation and spelling. You will learn which words to use for greatest impact .


My office is CO1. You may meet me in my office during my office hours or call me at 984-3442 to make an appointment at another time. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the course, homework assignments, grading system, etc. I look forward to meeting with you on an individual basis.

David Van Hammen's home ( e-mail


Required Materials:

One essential part of the course is the acquisition of the following materials at the MCC Bookstore.

  1. Essentials of Business Communication, 3rd ed. by M.E. Guffy
  2. The Irwin Ofice Reference Manual by Lee and Satterwhite
  3. A 3-ring binder with dividers
    1. lecture notes
    2. learning log entries
    3. answer sheets/handouts
    4. daily assignment log
    5. completed work
  4. Pens, pencils, and paper
  5. Two (2) IBM formatted computer disks
  6. Punctuation Pockets (optional)

Grading Policy:

Class Attendance:

Writing Assignments:

All letters and reports written outside of class must be typed. Double space all papers.

You will be required to write at least eight original memos and letters during the semester. Additionally there will be several homework assignments. Some assignments will be graded on a credit/no credit basis. Most assignments will receive a number grade (on a scale of 1 - 10).

Late papers will lose points for each late day. Assignments more than a week late will not be accepted.

Unit Quizzes:

During the semester you will have two or three unit quizzes. Your average quiz score will be equal to your final exam score in determining your grade. Quizzes cannot be made up if you are absent unless prior arrangements are made. Also, quizzes taken after the designated day will earn fewer points.

Content Area Writing Project:

You will have the opportunity to get credit for a writing project you must do for another class. The project will be graded from the English point of view. Give me a copy of the description of the project. If you do not have a written project for another class, see me.

Learning Logs:

Your learning log is an important tool in your educational process because it will be a place where you can practice your thinking and organizational skills, explore topics, train your mind to focus on specific points, and review your progress from the beginning of the class to the end.

You will need to designate one section of your 3-ring binder for your entries. Your entries will be free flowing in that your ideas are important. Do not worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Concentrate on your thoughts. The length should be at least 3/4 of a page, handwritten, single spaced. If you prefer, you may type. Typed entries need only be 1/2 page, single spaced. Some topics will be provided by your instructor.

Final Exam

There will be a final exam and a review before the final exam. Do not miss this review session.

In addition to your “Final,” you must submit a portfolio of all the business writing you did during the semester.

Course Outline of Activities


The Learning Center (TLC) is an excellent facility with a number of resources which will benefit you. There will be a handout given to you on the specific hours, staffing and services provided by TLC. Keep that handout readily available for reference. For this class, TLC will be especially important for:

Tutorial Assistance:

TLC tutors can help you understand how to correct your grammar and/or writing errors. They will NOT write papers for you, but they will give you suggestions and reasons for change. It is your decision to make any changes. After working with an English tutor, have the tutor sign your paper. I recommend extensive use of tutorial assistance at the beginning of the semester, but very limited use at the end.

Other Resources:

If you wish to improve your spelling skills, increase your reading speed, or enlarge your vocabulary, there are textbooks, reading machines and computer programs which are available to you. See me and I will be happy to get you the help you need.

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