The EDUCATION PLAN will argue in detail where and when you are
going to obtain the education necessary to achieve your
goal. Which college will you transfer to? Will you do graduate work? Where will financing for this education come from? If you decide to take all of your education in Hawaii, defend that geographic choice.
The WORK PLAN will argue in detail where you will work during
this period and why. Work would probably support educational
financing and career development. How will you get those jobs?
In that respect, your GOAL will be stronger if you name a
specific type and size of company (or a specific company) rather
than just a career field.
The LIFESTYLE PLAN will argue in detail how you will live your
life and why. Personal inventory, selection of marital status,
alternative lifestyles, and responsibilities toward children, siblings or parents may enter in here. While this section may require less
research, it should be precise and thoughtful.
You may include any other sections that you feel you need such as
a background section (considering your heredity and environment, a kind of personal asset inventory),real estate or investments, community or religious activities, service to others, passionate hobbies, sports, etc. (or you may wish to include some of these in your LIFESTYLE PLAN.) This is YOUR paper so you have free reign. You may write in the future tense or the past tense--just be consistent and remember that this is argument, NOT FANTASY. Your choices will be tested for the quality of research and rationality within the context of the choice. If you choose mediocrity, you must defend that choice. If you are going to be a Fish Crier (see Carl Sandburg's poem),that is fine; but how can you BEST prepare yourself to be the BEST fish crier?
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